Pious Pints & Blessed Barrels

the beers

Our Taproom features 8-10 of our freshest craft brews available.

Step into our heavenly haven and savor a divine sip or relish a seraphic pint of our celestial main brand and seasonal delights. The Taproom also offers beer for takeaway in glorious growlers.

Our entire Brewhouse can be seen just outside the Taproom, and our patio is accessible from the Taproom. Please stop by, say hello and grab a pint to enjoy with us, or grab a growler or crowler to go.

Taproom Offerings



  • (In the Garden) Davida Premium Blonde Ale
  • St. Dora Apricot
  • Crimson Halo Amber Ale
  • Pumpkin Ale
  • E.S.B. (Extra Saintly Beer) Amber Ale
  • Apocalypse Double IPA
  • Oktoberfest
  • Chile
  • St. Drogo’s Coffee Porter
  • Archangel Nitro American Pale Ale
  • IPA

Beer Descriptions & Formula Notes

Year-round Brews


Archangel Nitro Pale Ale

Archangel Nitro Pale Ale

This is an American Pale Ale that has been nitrogenated, making it real smooth and creamy. We brewed a traditional American Pale Ale, nice and malty with a dry hoppy finish. Then, instead of carbonating it, we forced nitrogen into the beer (like a traditional stout). Because the nitrogen in the atmosphere is so concentrated, the nitrogen bubbles in the poured beer have no place to escape, and are forced by laws of nature to remain in the beer. The result is a beer that is malty, has a dry hoppy finish, holds a thick creamy head, and is real smooth and creamy. This beer cannot be put into growlers and must be consumed on premise. It is also available at our Local Saint Bella Luna, cheers!


Style:      American Pale Ale

Grains:    Pale, Cara Vienne, Munich, Aromatic, Chocolate

Hops:      Ahtunum


IBU:        35 units

A.B.V.:    5.6%

(In the Garden) Davida Premium Blonde

(In the Garden) Davida Premium Blonde

A light and refreshing beer modeled in the style of the American Pilsner. In the beginning, just after prohibition, this style emerged quenching the thirst of a population longing for refreshment. More remarkable than its bright gold appearance is the brew’s balance in both flavor and aroma. A beer so balanced, neither hops nor malt is detectable. So not quite the Genesis of beer, but a later emergent defining the style of a Country for decades.


Style:      Cream Ale

Grains:   6-Row, Flaked Maze, Cara Vienne, Munich, Cara Pils, Chocolate

Hops:      Northern Brewer

O.G. :    10° P

IBU:       12 units

A.B.V.:   4.4%

Crimson Halo

Crimson Halo

All Saints’ first production beer. This Amber Ale was crafted to balance the hop profile with a toasty, sweet malt character, in both flavor and aroma. It has a nice medium body and a gentle, well-balanced finish.


Style:      Amber Ale

Grains:    Pale, Caravienne, Munich, Aromatic, Biscuit, Chocolate

Hops:      Fuggle, Willamette


IBU:        12 units

A.B.V.:    5.3%



History: In the 1700’s, Troops and British citizens living in India as part of the colonial rule did not have access to good British ale and any attempts to ship the malt British ales to them resulted in spoilage. India Pale Ale, or IPA, was the solution. The generous amount of hops and alcohol in this brew protected it from the heat and motion of the British sailing ships of the day and could make it all the way to India without spoiling.

This English-style IPA offers a smooth hop bitterness with a deep and rich malt flavor. The hop aroma is delicately veiled within its huge malt profile.


Style:      English India Pale Ale

Grains:   Pale, Carapils, Caravienne, Munich, Aromatic, Chocolate

Hops:     Cascade, Glacier


IBU:       70 units

A.B.V.:   6.9%%

Beer Descriptions & Formula Notes

Seasonal Brews


Available when season dictates, an ever-changing assortment of brews which represent historical beer references such as Oktoberfest and Winter Ales among others. These beers reflect seasonal ingredients or appropriateness.

15601 GBG Lager

15601 GBG Lager

We figured if Boston can have one, so should we. This beer is influenced by both the Boston Lager and the Noble Pils. It is light amber to golden in color, with a fresh, almost spicy hop aroma, a crisp balanced flavor, and a clean finish.


Style:   American Style Lager

Grains:   Pilsen Malt, Cara Vienne, Munich, Aromatic

Hops:    Tettenang & Hallertauer

IBU:     27 units

A.B.V.:    5.2%

East Coast West Coast Style IPA

East Coast West Coast Style IPA

This is a traditional West Coast IPA: Light color, medium body, and very thin on the malt character with a hop presence that will stick with you. Brewed with an abundance of fresh, locally grown Centennial, Nugget and Cascade hops.


Style:     IPA

Grains:  Pils, Carapils, Munich, Wheat

Hops:    Centennial, Nugget, Cascade

IBU’s:     83

A.B.V.:    7.3%

Heavy Weizen Weizenbock

Heavy Weizen Weizenbock

A strong dark German wheat beer. This medium-full bodied brew has the clove-like character of a light German Wheat beer (Hefeweizen), the maltiness of a dark German Wheat beer (Dunkelweizen) a balance of soft bread-like and rich caramel toastiness with the richness and strength of a Bock beer. Bockbiers were brewed by monks for fortification during times of fasting.


Style:     Weizenbock

Grains:  Wheat, Pils, Dark Wheat, Cara Wheat, Cara Munich, Chocolate

Hops:     Hallertauer

IBU:       11 units

A.B.U.:  7.5% ABV

Maibock – aka Helles Bock

Maibock – aka Helles Bock

This is a full-bodied, golden lager with an intense malt flavor and aroma. It has the strength of a traditional German Bockbier and enough hops to balance the extreme maltiness.


Style:      Helles

Grains:    Pils, Cara Pils, Munich, Wheat

Hops:      Hallertauer

O.G.:        18° P

IBU:        28 units

A.B.V.:   7.3%

Sister Mary’s Redemption

Sister Mary’s Redemption

Our most complex grain bill to date. Using over eight specialty malts, with each contributing to the color, flavor and aroma of this tantalizing brew. Our Redemption is medium-bodied, deep copper in color, has a nice malty aroma, malty sweet start, dry nutty finish, and a subtle hint of chocolate. Intently brewed for purposed satisfaction.


Style: English Style Brown Ale

Grains: Marris Otter English Pale, Cara Pils, Cara Munich, Wheat, Aromatic, Special B., Biscuit, Chocolate

Hops: Northern Brewer & Willamette

O.G.: 12.5° P

IBU: 22 units

A.B.V.: 4.9%

St. Dora Apricot Wheat

St. Dora Apricot Wheat

Wheat malt makes a beer real thirst quenching and refreshing. This filtered ale has hints of apricot in the flavor and aroma, and made with nearly 50% wheat malt, it is nice and refreshing. This beer is light, crisp and easy to drink.


Style – Wheat Ale

Grains: Pils, Wheat, Caravienne

Hops: Perle, Hallertauer

IBU: 10

A.B.V.: 4.1

St. Dora Orange Blonde

St. Dora Orange Blonde

We crafted this ale to be light and refreshing with a bright gold color, and a completely balanced profile. Finishing on fresh oranges allows both the sweetness of the flesh and bitterness of the peel to add an equally balanced orange essence to this beer.


Style:      Fruit Beer

Grains:   6-Row, Flaked Maze, Cara Viene, Munich, Cara Pils, Chocolate

Hops:      Northern Brewer

O.G. :    10° P

IBU:       12 units

A.B.V.:   4.4%

St. Drogo’s Coffee Porter

St. Drogo’s Coffee Porter

We crafted a robust Porter, which is very sharp and roasty, not too dry with just the right amount of hops to support the delicately sweet roasty malt character. This beer as a wonderful essence of coffee that brings pleasure even if you are not a coffee drinker. It is the perfect beer for your holiday celebrations.


Style:       Porter

Grains:    Pale, Caravienne, Munich, Chocolate

Hops:      Fuggle, Willamette


IBU:        40 units

A.B.V.:    5.6%

St. Mosey’s Black Pils

St. Mosey’s Black Pils

Originating in Plzen, now the Czech Republic, this light bodied, ruby-black beer has the smoothness of a lager with a clean roasted edge and complex malt character. In spite of its dark color, this beer is a soft and elegant brew that is rich, mild, and surprisingly balanced. Unlike a blonde Pils, the hop bitterness in this darker version is soft and subdued.


Style:      Bohemian Black Pilsner

Grains:    Pilsen Malt, Cara Vienne, Munich, Roast, Chocolate

Hops:      Perle, Hallertauer

O.G. :     10° P

IBU:       20 units

A.B.V.:   4.1%

St. Timothy Hop Harvest Rye Pale Ale

St. Timothy Hop Harvest Rye Pale Ale

We took our regular Tim and got him all hopped up on a little over 20 pounds of locally grown performance enhancers, such as chinook, centennial, and cascade, in addition to his already massive hop features. He is much more striking in both aroma and flavor, and need we mention… body.


Style:      Pale Ale

Grains:    Pale, Rye, Munich, Cara Vienne

Hops:      Locally grown Centennial, Cascade, Chinook

O.G. :    14° P

IBU:       36 units

A.B.V.:   5.5%



This Classic English Style Barley Wine is a strong ale, literally meaning wine from beer. It was once the strongest beer a brewer could make. This beer is big on malt, big on hops, and big on alcohol content. It can be enjoyed now and is also designed to age. Traditional Barley Wines are at their best between four months and six years. Ours is no exception.


Style:      English Style Barleywine

Grains:   Pale, Carapils, Munich

Hops:     Willamette, Fuggle


IBU:       69 units

A.B.V.:   10.2%

E.S.B. (Extra Saintly Beer) Amber Ale

E.S.B. (Extra Saintly Beer) Amber Ale

E.S.B. is actually short for Extra Special Bitter, but don’t let the name fool you. This beer is all about the interplay of toasty malt sweetness and the unique characteristics of the East Kent Golding hop. This golden-amber ale has a delicately balanced aroma of malt sweetness and aromas of floral / honey / spice with hints of lemon & lavender from the quintessential English hop: East Kent Goldings. This English Ale has a medium-full body, balanced flavor, and a smooth dry finish.


Style:      E.S.B.

Grains:    Marris Otter Pale, Caramunich

Hops:      East Kent Golding

O.G.:        14.5° P

IBU:        25 units

A.B.V.:    5.5 %

Heavenly Hefe Weizen

(Hef-ay Vite-zen)

Heavenly Hefe Wizen

This authentic German Wheat beer is light, crisp and refreshing with spicy notes of banana and clove. No spices or flavorings have been added, the unique flavor characteristics in this beer come from the fermentation process. Hefe Weizen means “unfiltered wheat beer” in German.


Grains:   Pilsen, Wheat

Hops:     Hallertauer

O.G. :     12.5° P

IBU  :    14 units

A.B.V.:   5.2%


Imperial Stout

NOAH Imperial Stout

This authentic English ale was exported to the Tsars of Russia in the 18th Century. Its high alcohol content kept the beer from freezing during its trip across the Baltic Sea. This ale is smooth, rich and complex with true balance between the malt sweetness and roastiness and just enough hops to balance.


Grains: Pale, Aromatic, Roasted Barley, Chocolate Malt

Hops: Centennial

O.G. : 21.5° P

IBU : 45 units

A.B.V.: 9.0%

Soul Purpose Premium Lager

Soul Purpose Premium Lager

This light and refreshing lager can be described with one word. Take your pick:
Delicate. Smooth. Refreshing. Angelic. Crisp. Balanced. Beer.


Style:      American Lager

Grains:    Pils, Cara Pils, Munich, Wheat

Hops:      Hallertauer

O.G. :    10.5° P

IBU:       14 units

A.B.V.:   4.1%

St. Dora Apfel Lager

St. Dora Apfel Lager

No apples were harmed in the making of this beer. We took a very light and delicate amber lager and added all natural organic flavors to provide a subtle hint of apple essence. You know us, beer first. In fact, with all the beer in the glass there wasn’t even room for the juice of two apples.


Style:      Fruit Beer

Grains:    Two and Six row varieties Pilsner Malt, Flaked Maze, Cara Pils, Pale Crystal

Hops:      Perle

O.G. :    12° P

IBU:       8 units

A.B.V.:   5.4%

St. Dora Orange Wheat

St. Dora Orange Wheat

Wheat malt makes a beer real thirst-quenching and refreshing. This filtered ale has hints of Orange in the flavor and aroma. We used real honest-to-gosh oranges in this one, not squeezed – to allow the beer to remain beer, but pick up as much orange as IT wants. It is nice and refreshing, this beer is light, crisp and easy to drink.


Style – Wheat Ale

Grains: Pils, Wheat, Caravienne

Hops: Perle, Hallertauer

IBU: 10

A.B.V.: 4.1

St. Hildegard IPA

St. Hildegard IPA

This is a traditional West Coast IPA: Light color, medium body, enough malt character to support a hop presence that will stick with you.  Brewed with an abundance of fresh, locally grown Cascade hops.


Style:      West Coast IPA

Grains:    Pils, Carapils, Munich, Wheat

Hops:      Centennial

O.G.:        16.5° P

IBU:        85 units

A.B.V.:    7.9%

St. Nik’s Winter Ale

St. Nik’s Winter Ale

A beautiful dark caramel color with a bouquet of fruitiness and cloves, and hints of intoxicating warmth. Light-bodied and well-carbonated, allowing flavors of cranberry and orange to dance upon your palette leaving a crisp, malty finish with fruit and warming nuances. This Christmas Ale is fashioned after no other.   – Cheers!


Style – Christmas Ale

Grains:  Pale, Caravienne, Munich, Aromatic, Buscuit, Chocolate

Hops:     Fuggle, Willamette

IBU:       12 units

A.B.U.:  8.3% ABV

St. Timothy Rye Pale Ale

St. Timothy Rye Pale Ale

This American Pale Ale is made with 15% rye malt and an extraordinary amount of flavor and aroma hops. The rye malt provides a nice smoothness to the palate while the centennial hops will tickle your nose and dance ever so smoothly on your palate.


Style:      Pale Ale

Grains:    Pale, Rye, Munich, Cara Vienne

Hops:      Centennial

O.G. :    14° P

IBU:       36 units

A.B.V.:   5.5%

Collabo-Red Red Ale

Collabo-Red Red Ale

We were honored to be approached by the Pittsburgh Brewing Company with a request for assistance in brewing a “Red” Ale – the color red being of the utmost importance… A super secret, we’ll have to kill you if you must know, grain bill was the answer. Deep red color, smooth and malty with a subtly sharp contrast to the inherent sweetness.


Style:     Red Ale

Grains:  Again, we’d have to kill you.

Hops:     Noble

O.G.:      13° P

IBU:       35 units

A.B.U.:  5.6% ABV

Golden Drogo Blonde Coffee Ale

Golden Drogo Blonde Coffee Ale

Delicate and balanced. This coffee beer offers a subtle coffee aroma and flavor with a medium-full body, with enough malt character to bring a smooth balance and clean finish. You’ll need no creamer with this one!


Style:       Blonde Ale

Grains:    Pils, Carapils, Munich, Wheat

Hops:      Perle

O.G.:       16.5° P

IBU:        27 units

A.B.V.:    6.9%

Jubilation Marzen

Jubilation Marzen

This authentic Vienna lager is rich and balanced with hints of toasted malt, and a crisp finish. Brewed in the 16th century at the end of the brewing season, and named for the month in which they were brewed. The Marzen is a hearty Oktoberfest.


Style:      Marzen

Grains:   Munich, Caravienne, Aromatic, Cara Pils

Hops:      Hallertauer

O.G. : 14.5° P

IBU:       17 units

A.B.V.:   5.5%



This authentic German Festbier has the perfect balance of malt sweetness, hop bitterness, and toasted crispness.  Light copper color, light body, with a clean, crisp finish.  Brewed with 100 % German malt and hops.


Style: German Lager

Grains: Munich

Hops: Hallertauer

O.G.: 13.5

IBU: 24 units

A.B.V.: 5.7%

St. Andrew Scotch Ale

St. Andrew Scotch Ale

The deepest Amber, almost brown in color. Malty notes will tingle your nose. This full-bodied ale is malty and smooth, with a slightly dry finish. By God it’s good.


Style:      Scotch Ale

Grains:   Pils, Caravienne, Caramunic, Munich, Aromatic, Biscuit, Chocolate

Hops:    Fuggle, Willamette

O.G. :   15° P

IBU:      25 units

A.B.V.:   6.1%

St. Dora Blueberry Wheat

St. Dora Blueberry Wheat

This fruit beer is fruit first. We crafted this beer using real blueberries. It has a subtle hint of the fruit in the aroma and flavor. This beer is light, crisp and refreshing, and quite effervescent.


Style – Fruit Wheat Ale

Grains: Pils, Wheat, Caravienne

Hops: Perle, Hallertauer

IBU: 10

A.B.V.: 4.1

St. Dora Raspberry Lager

St. Dora Raspberry Lager

We crafted this lager to be light and refreshing with a very delicate malt profile, providing just enough body to lend a gentle sweetness balanced by a noticeable tartness. Brewed for you with real red raspberry puree.


Style:      Fruit Beer

Grains:    Two and Six row varieties Pilsner Malt, Flaked Maze, Corn Sugar

Hops:      Perle

O.G. :    10° P

IBU:       8 units

A.B.V.:   4.2%

St. Josef Czech Pils

St. Josef Czech Pils

First brewed in the Czech Republic in 1842, this beer style is the most imitated in the world. Along with this beer’s brilliant clarity, light body, golden color, and crisp finish, it is the hops that make this beer what it is. Brewed with 100% Czech Saaz (pronounced “sotz”-please) using a hop schedule like we have never done before to produce, for you, a beer as true to the original as we could make it.

– Cheers to you, craft beer drinker.


Style:      Bohemian Pilsner

Grains:    Pilsen, Cara Pils

Hops:      Saaz

O.G. :    12.5° P

IBU:       40 units

A.B.V.:   4.8%

St. Olaf Oatmeal Stout

St. Olaf Oatmeal Stout

This ale has a beautiful deep dark brown color, a rich, creamy, silky smooth character, with a toasted malt aroma balanced by a slightly sweet, malty flavor. Oatmeal Stouts are in the family of sweet stouts that are less sweet, relying on oatmeal for body and complexity. While all stouts are born of porters, this stout has very little roasty, coffee-like character. Named after St. Olaf “the stout.”


Style:      Oatmeal Stout

Grains:    UK Pale Malt, Oats, Cara Vienne, Cara Pils, Munich, Chocolate, Aromatic

Hops:      Fuggels

O.G.:        12° P

IBU:        24 units

A.B.V.:    4.1%

Wet Hop Session Pale Ale

Wet Hop Session Pale Ale

Only a very slight deviation from a true American Pale Ale, this beer was brewed to come in under 5% ABV. The addition of freshly picked cascade hops provide a real smooth hop character.


Style:      American Pale Ale

Grains:    Pale Malt, Cara Munich

Hops:      Centennial, Cascade

O.G. : 12.5° P

IBU:       27 units

A.B.V.:   4.7%

Dark Angel Dunkelweizen

Dark Angel Dunkelweizen

Dark Angel is the dark version of the German Wheat Beers. It is unfiltered and deep amber to brown in color with the characteristic aromas of banana and fruit, clove and spice. Its body is light but its maltiness is quite complex. Light and dark, clean and complex, brewed for you by Helltown and All Saints, for Pittsburgh Craft Beer Week April 26-May 5 2014.


Style:     Dunkelweizen

Grains:  German Pils, German Wheat, Chocolate

Hops:     Hallertauer

O.G.:      12.5° P

IBU:       13 units

A.B.U.:  4.1% ABV

Hallowed Pumpkin

Hallowed Pumpkin

We slow-roasted over 200 pounds of locally grown pie pumpkins and added them into a variation of our Crimson Halo. This fall offering has a subtle hint of fresh spice and a toasty malt character. The pumpkins lend this beer its color and a nice smoothness on the palate.


Style:        American Fruit/Vegetable Ale

Grains:    Pale, Caravienne, Munich, Aromatic, Buscuit

Hops:      Fuggle, Willamette

O.G.:        14.5° P

IBU:        12 units

A.B.V.:    5.3%

Laurel Highlands Pale Ale

Laurel Highlands Pale Ale

Small beer, big stink. We wanted to produce a session beer that is extremely hop forward, relatively low alcohol, and very little lingering hop bitterness. We procured the most delicate, most thirst quenching malts to produce a very light, delicate, and refreshing beer. Featuring a crazy amount of hops with over a pound and a quarter in every keg.


Style:      Wheat Pale Ale

Grains:   Pilsen, Wheat, Cara Vienne, Aromatic

Hops:     Columbus, Cascade


IBU:        35 units

A.B.V.:    4.6%

Revelation Summer Lager

Revelation Summer Lager

Brewed to be light and refreshing while pushing the upper limits of alcohol content. This beer is very light in color and body, hints of fresh lime in the aroma, and a clean refreshing flavor.


Style:      Malt Liquor

Grains:    Two and Six row varieties Pilsner Malt, Flaked Maze, Corn Sugar

Hops:      Perle

O.G. :    16° P

IBU:       7 units

A.B.V.:   8.2%

St. Drogo’s Coffee Porter

St. Drogo’s Coffee Porter

We crafted a Robust Porter, which is very sharp and roasty, not too dry with just the right amount of hops to support the delicately sweet roasty malt character.  Then we added some fresh-brewed coffee at the last possible moment of the process to preserve all of the flavors and aromas that a freshly brewed cup has to offer.  You don’t have to appreciate coffee to enjoy this beer.  A.B.V. 6.3%


Style:      Coffee Ale

Grains:    Pils, Cara Munich, Chocolate

Hops:      Fuggle and Willamette

O.G. :      14.5° P

IBU:       40 units

A.B.V.:   6.3%

St. Dora Cherry Wheat

St. Dora Cherry Wheat

Our Fruit beers are subtle. They are crafted to be beer first. St. Dora is no exception. We use wheat malt to give this beer its crispness, and just the right amount of flavoring at just the right time to lend a hint of cherry to this light and refreshing brew.


Style:      Wheat Ale

Grains:    Pils, Wheat, Caravienne, Chocolate

Hops:      Perle, Hallertauer

O.G.:        11° P

IBU:        10 units

A.B.V.:   4.1%

St. Dora Watermelon Wheat

St. Dora Watermelon Wheat

Wheat malt makes a beer real thirst-quenching and refreshing. This filtered ale has hints of Watermelon in the flavor and aroma, resultant of using 50 lbs of fresh watermelon in this brew. It is nice and refreshing, this beer is light, crisp and easy to drink… and NO SEEDS!


Style – Wheat Ale

Grains: Pils, Wheat, Caravienne

Hops: Perle, Hallertauer

IBU: 10

A.B.V.: 4.1

St. Juttemis Pumpkin Porter

St. Juttemis Pumpkin Porter

This beer started with 275 pounds of locally grown, fresh-roasted pie pumpkins that were carefully crafted into a Porter with just the right amount of spice added at just the right time. Almost 20 pounds of roasted pumpkin per keg lend this beer a smooth body that is not too dry, nor too roasty, but delicately balanced. “met sint-juttemis” is a Dutch saying meaning basically: when hell freezes over, or when pigs fly, or when pumpkins get put into a porter.


Style:      Porter

Grains:    Pale Malt, Cara Munich, Chocolate

Hops:      Fuggle & Willamette

O.G. :     15.5° P

IBU:       40 units

A.B.V.:   6.3%

St. Otto Roggenbier

German Rye Pale Ale

St. Otto Roggenbier – German Rye Pale Ale

This authentic German Rye beer has a nice golden orange color, spicy black currant aroma, with subtle hints of clove and fruit. The rye malt lends a real smoothness to the palate. No spices were used in this beer. We used 55% barley malt, 45% rye malt and an authentic German ale yeast. A centuries old beer style.


Style:      German Rye

Grains:    Pilsen, Rye

Hops:      Hallertauer

O.G. : 15.5° P

IBU:       17 units

A.B.V.:   5.6%

Voodoo’s Child

Award-winning beer: GABF 2002

Voodoo’s Child

Dunkel, meaning dark, this German-style beer brings together dark specialty malts with the smoothness of a lager. It has a toasted malt aroma, light body and a quenching crispness. This lager is aged much longer than any of our traditional beers. The fermentation process and our rich black malt make this lager a Gold Medal award winner at the Great American Beer Festival with this beer (2002).


Style:      Dunkel

Grains:    Munich, Special B, Chocolate

Hops:      Northern Brewer

IBU:       20 units

A.B.V.:   5.2%

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Wednesday 4 – 9
Thursday  2 – 10
Friday  2 – 11
Saturday  2 – 10
Sunday  2 – 8


Route 119 and Roseytown Road
Greensburg, PA 15601


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